political and cultural view

دریافت خبرنامه

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    Iran’s view of the African region has been more political and cultural.

    In industries such as automobile manufacturing, iron smelting, cement factories, iron, petrochemical and plastic products, knowledge-based products, Iran has a lot to say in Africa. Iran has had good success in training university forces in Africa, and now many students of Iranian universities are nationals of African countries. On the other hand, Africa also has these capacities in the field of mineral resources and fisheries to meet the needs of Iran in these sectors to some extent.

    Iran’s view of Africa is mostly political and cultural, and the third or fourth priority is economic and commercial. This has caused us not to properly use the economic capacities of the African continent, which is why we need to activate this view.

    In the past few decades, Iran has tried to promote the culture of revolution and Shiism in this continent, which has been successful to some extent. But the view that wants to take advantage of the economic and political capacities of this continent for the economic and social development of Iran is on the sidelines, and in international trade, we have not benefited much from the capacities of the African continent.